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Showing posts from December, 2021

Enlightenment and Life-and-Death and Life-and-Life situations

I am starting this post with a promise to myself that this is going to be a brave and honest post. When I look at my past posts, I can see a trend that they are wanna-be brave and honest posts, but tend to end in cliched didactics or a trivialization of the entire subject-matter. I will try to ensure that this post does not yield to that trap. It should be easy, I think. But let's see. Just yesterday evening, I was with a group of friends - my old colleagues and friends. And  as it often happens during an evening spent with friends, an interesting topic came up - how one's perspective changes in a life-and-death situation. And this is the question that I want to examine in this post. I am not trying to provide answers, I am instead questioning the question itself. What is a life-and-death situation? And whether it does indeed bring you face to face with a greater truth? Some of my friends in that group have been through terrible accidents, where survival was a matter of pure su